Facing the end of life crisis has taken me back to my books, and applying the information in my own life.

Michael used to come to our prayer circle to speak, and he brought with him his blue sword to cut the chains that bind us. As I read and re-read his booklet--the first of the Crisis Series--certain passages would bring tears to my eyes, and after the sobbing was over, I felt much more at peace.
I realized that having a terminal illness was the perfect opportunity to prove the insights from God actually work.
The Crisis Packet includes "A Little Angel Told Me..." by Archangel Michael, and two other booklets--the first two of the Getting Out of the Abyss Series--"The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia (and me) and "Roles and Goals," by I AM That I AM (and me). The Crisis Packet can be purchased for personal use, but it is meant to be passed on to family and friends--and maybe even adversaries--who are facing their end of life crisis.
I didn't feel ready yet to take on spiritual shopping, so I waited until inspiration struck, and it did with the Getting Out of the Abyss classes, which are the first row of the World Peace Marketing Strategy.
More sobbing when I thought of working through the class material. Must be the right choice.