Over a year ago, I was poisoned by someone who has been working to perpetrate a hostile takeover of my organization. There is no known cure for this physical crisis yet, and so my books are a test for me to see if they really work.

Being in a crisis is like thinking you are working to create the life you want, but you are off course, like being lost, and at some point you come to the understanding that what you are doing isn't working. Then you have to figure out what will work, and it puts you into circular thinking, that you must do something, but you don't know what to do. The solution is to do what is in everyone's best interest.
I started out Walking the Rainbow with the Crisis Packet, which is designed to help people who are facing their end of life crisis, but because I also have a project--the plan for the international government, I am working my way through the top row of the World Peace Marketing Strategy. The Flower of Life level of the World Peace Marketing Strategy consists of the Getting Out of the Abyss class materials, and the class curriculum starts with the overview packet, the Power Packet.
I channeled these class materials, but when I sat down and looked through them as someone who is facing my end of life crisis, they took on a deeper meaning for me. These books are written not for the general reader, but for people in crisis. I have read each of them over and over, and now I read them one paragraph at a time and try to apply the information in my own life.
The Intuitive Computer demonstration consists of a chart with twelve columns and a corresponding booklet. It i based on the fact that we always have three choices--options (but as I mentioned above, when you are in a crisis situation, you only see two and both are untenable). It explains what your options are, and the ramification of your choices. No more can anyone blame another for the mess you made of your own life. The responsibility is right back on your own shoulders. You can make twelve choices and "rocket out of the abyss."
Before you start, the Intuitive Computer booklet asks you to read "Who Do You Trust?", a booklet by Lady Gaia, the female aspect of God. It helps you to make your first choice, whether you will listen to advice you are given. If you have turned your life over to someone else, you must take it back again to be able to rise out of the abyss. It explains the difference between the devil--the person who is dragging you backwards in your progress-- and demons, which are your fears.
I was poisoned by someone who has been trying to drag me backwards in my progress, but for me to regain my power, I must assume responsibility for my own life, and work to undo the damage that has been done.
Lady Gaia also talks about betrayal, and how it is causing so much fear and darkness in the world.
"Who Do You Trust?" is now available on my catalog to independent members only. Once the professional publishing team comes to work with me, we will make it available to the general public.